AP Thailand launches 48 new projects valued at 58 billion baht, expanding its portfolio to more than 200 projects throughout Thailand after a successful year 2023, generating sales of 51 billion baht and a profit of 6 billion baht, reinforcing its strong financial position. Expand housing portfolios for all groups Spread across the country in 212 projects, targeting sales to grow to 57,000 million baht.
In the midst of economic fluctuations and the country's declining purchasing power and lack of confidence, factors from household debt and high interest rates are a drag. As a result, developers Every camp must be careful, like Mr. Wittakarn Chantavimon, Deputy Managing Director. Corporate Strategy and Creation Division, AP Thailand PCL., admits that the overall picture of the Thai economy in 2024 still has many challenges ahead. And believe that it will be another year that is not easy. with various factors that inevitably had an impact from last year
Both in the picture of the world economic system caused by geopolitical conflicts. as well as the image of confidence in the Thai economy, therefore, business operations this year must still be cautious. And the most important thing that will allow the organization to move smoothly amid economic ripples is maintaining strong financial stability. Pass strict financial discipline
To bring financial liquidity that is flexible and sufficient to support the business in the long term, at the end of 2023 we can maintain the net debt to equity ratio at
0.79 times is considered a matter that AP has given great importance to throughout the past. and is considered an important key that makes the company Success is one in every dimension.
“This year is considered to be the year of the real company. To be able to continue, it is necessary to be ready in these 5 dimensions:
1) Cash flow management that affects the stability and reliability of the organization We believe that today we are strong and financially stable. and sufficient liquidity
2) Diversification of a wide range of product portfolios and covers all market segments
3) People – Structure – Process people management organizational structure and precise work processes To support rapid work and keep up with all changes.
4) Having business partners with the same vision To jointly drive the business towards becoming number one
and 5) Supply Chain Management that is ready to support continuous business growth according to the project development and delivery plan.”
Continue to be one
Mr. Wittakarn further said that this year the company Ready to focus on continuing to be number one under the EMPOWER TOGETHER strategy. This year, every business group Including single houses, townhomes, semi-detached houses, and condominiums. Set a goal to deliver innovative spaces for a good life. You can choose for yourself so that 'every area in the AP house' can grow with everyone.
By 2024, the company aims to have 212 AP projects ready for sale throughout the country.
To capture the image of being number one in the residential real estate development industry. Both in terms of sales, income and profits, last year the company was able to generate sales as high as 51,390 million baht in terms of total income from horizontal products. Condominium group (100% JV) and other businesses as high as 48,757 million baht and net profits as high as 6,054 million baht